Tips For Better Sleep

The Best Sleeping Position for Better Digestion

December 28, 2018   By Ecosa Dream Writers

Dealing with digestion problems are such a pain. Would anyone want to wake up to constipation, heartburn or acid reflux?

Adjusting your sleeping position is a simple remedy to try if you’re really keen on fixing your irregular sleeping patterns from indigestion!

Sleep on Your Left Side

To the left, to the left! Did you know that you can promote better coordination between your digestive system and GRAVITY if you sleep on your left side?

That’s right! Your small intestine moves waste to your right side so it can make its way to the large intestine, then to the lower colon on the left side. This increases the chance of having your bowel movement when you wake up in the morning.

How Do You Sleep Properly on Your Left?

1. Elevate your head

You can improve night time digestion through elevating your head while sleeping on your left side. Studies have found that this position improves heartburn as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) (the muscle ring/flap valve controlling the stomach’s food intake from the oesophagus) is kept above the level of gastric acid. If reflux occurs, the acid should go back down quickly to the stomach from gravity’s pull.

Remember that whatever is the case, you need to keep your neck and spine in a neutral position. A plush and supportive pillowwould be ideal as it can give you both comfort and support.

2. Put a pillow in between the knees

If elevating your head still doesn’t help, try placing a pillow in between your knees. When you bend your knees in this position, any discomfort felt could be a result of a misaligned spine or strained neck. If you put a pillow between your knees, it could aid the discomfort and keep your spine in a neutral position.


3. Don’t eat large meals THREE hours before sleeping

Make yourself familiar with the three-hour rule. This lets your body digest food with enough time, so you don’t wake up to a rumbling stomach and stomach ache. We’re very sure no one wants to feel nauseous late at night anyway. Let your digestive system have enough time to do its job of absorbing nutrients and getting rid of waste.

It’s probably time for you to get some snooze now! Go on and try facing left – it may just make tonight’s sleep a little more digestive!

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How to Get Enough Sleep During the Holidays
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