Tips For Better Sleep

Is Power Napping Good For You?

May 8, 2023   By Ecosa Dream Writers

Taking an afternoon nap might be a distant memory from your days as a lazy, hungover student. But, can power napping improve your life as a fully-functioning adult? Research shows that a power nap could have tons of physical and mental health benefits, from weight loss to improved cognitive function.

Power naps can help you stay alert for tasks that require concentration and mental acuity. it also helps you feel energised if you need to do a tiring task or have done one early in your shift. Also power naps can help you work through a long and tough shift at work with better focus.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of power naps and how you can reap those. Let’s look at this further.

What is a Power Nap?

Power naps are short bursts of sleep that last around 20 minutes. This type of nap has been proven to help reduce the effects of sleep deprivation and improve mental alertness.

The reason power naps are short is that they’re the most effective way to boost short-term alertness without feeling groggy or unable to sleep at night.

During a power nap, you don’t drift into sleep inertia, which is the beginning of a deep sleep that could leave you feeling groggy upon waking. 

And as the term suggests, power naps give you the power and energy to work through the day. This allows you to stay focused and mentally capable of doing what is required of you.

What Are The Health Benefits of Power Naps?

In our busy lives, sleep deprivation isn’t uncommon. When we lose sleep, we feel tired and our bodies have to work harder to function, causing a rise in the stress hormone cortisol.

Taking a 20 minute nap can bring down our cortisol levels, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Using power naps to make up for lost sleep can minimise the effect of sleep deprivation on our work, mood and relationships.

If you’ve got more time to spare, taking a 90 minute nap is recommended. Why? Because a 90 minute nap will see you complete one full sleep cycle.

It’s important to be wary of how long you nap for, as anything longer than 30 minutes will see you begin a sleep cycle, so waking any sooner than 90 minutes in could have a detrimental effect on your day. 

Remember, it can take you a while to actually fall asleep – particularly during the day. If you need tips on falling asleep quickly to maximise your power nap break, try these tips.

Power Napping Tips

In our fast-paced modern life, mastering the art of the power nap can greatly boost productivity and well-being. Here’s some expert advice to help you perfect your power nap routine: 

  • Choose the Right Time: Naps are most effective between midday and early afternoon when energy levels are naturally low.
  • Create a Relaxing Environment: Turn down the lights, draw the curtains to block off sunlight, and decrease noise to create a peaceful environment conducive to sleep. Invest in a good pillow and mattress so you can nap better.
  • Keep it Short: Limit your nap to 10 to 20 minutes to get the benefits of increased alertness and concentration while avoiding deeper stages of sleep, which can contribute to grogginess. 
  • Use Comfortable Bedding: Make sure your mattress is sturdy and your pillow is comfortable to promote relaxation and avoid pain.
  • Establish a routine: Consistency is essential. Try to snooze at the same time every day to help your body recognise and respond to relaxation cues more efficiently.

By adopting these suggestions into your daily routine, you may use the power of a well-timed nap to refresh your mind and body, increasing productivity and general well-being.

Do Power Naps Make You Lose Weight? 

In addition to cortisol, sleep deprivation causes a rise in our hunger hormone, ghrelin. By taking an afternoon power nap, you may reduce sugar cravings and phantom hunger that leads to overeating. While it may not directly lead to weight loss, a power nap can help reduce cravings and aid in weight management.

Also, getting some sleep can help you metabolise what you eat better. This can in turn promote better weight management. Also, you get less weird cravings and feel fuller as you eat.

Power Nap or Coffee?

If you find yourself feeling weary during the day, resist the urge to reach for your favourite coffee hit. Caffeine remains in your body for hours after consumption. Studies have shown that we can lose hours of quality sleep at the hands of that sneaky afternoon latte – even when enjoyed as many as 6 hours before bed. If you can, ditch the coffee and set aside 20 minutes for a power nap. You’ll feel more alert for the rest of the day, and still be able to sleep at nighttime.

Power Napping At Work

While it might not be your bosses favourite suggestion, power napping at work has been proven to boost productivity. In fact, the benefits of power napping are actually amplified when used in context of the working day. Taking a short nap of around 20 minutes during your working day can improve alertness and efficiency. 

To avoid feeling tired during your working day, aim to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. Everybody responds to sleep differently, so listen to your body and find what works for you. 

Looking for a good mattress, check out Ecosa now.

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