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5 Interesting Sleep Tech Startups to Check Out

May 8, 2023   By Jennifer Cook

Entrepreneurs are always looking for new ways to make money, while engineers and inventors forever innovate things. Bring those two together, and we get the startup boom.

Technology and gadgets are now the norms, from Apple’s iPhones to Google algorithms that seem to predict everything, even when we’re talking about sleep.

To give you an idea of what the future of tech and snooze looks like, here are five tech companies that you shouldn’t sleep on.

Wearable Tech, the New #Drip

Wearable technology has always been a geek’s wet dream. We’re promised a seamless and immersive experience from steampunk-inspired cosplay to clunky VR technology.

Too good to be true, right?

Whoop wants to say otherwise!

This tech startup aims to provide comprehensive healthcare monitoring by implementing sleep trackers through a wearable device. Although not exactly new, Whoop shows promise in improving sleep quality.

How can it do that?

By using advancements in wearable tech and body monitors, Whoop checks baseline heart rate and sleep patterns on a nightly basis. 

Whoop then collects that information and provides you with a score that you can use to improve your sleep habits. It helps that their wearable sleep devices are sleek!

Utilising Internet of Things(IoT) technology to its best, Whoop makes sleep tracking fashionable and accessible. 

Snooze Stories with Calm

Bedtime stories are possibly the oldest sleep aid, second only to getting lights-out drunk.

Bedtime stories aren’t an exception in a modern world where everything is made into a mobile app. Not if burgeoning app developer Calm gets a say.

Dr David Lewis, a neuropsychologist with the University of Pittsburgh, believes that reading bedtime stories can reduce stress. Calm took that idea and made it mobile.

The American Psychiatric Organisation believes in a definite correlation between sleep disorders and mental health. Getting less sleep increases the risk of anxiety and stress, so that’s a no-no.

With apps like Calm, you’re given a chance to sleep soundly, from the moment you close your eyes to when your alarm clock wakes you up! 

Calm’s partnerships with celebs like True Detective’s Matthew McConaughey gives it an air of legitimacy while it affords users the chance to sleep to the sound of his southern drawl. Talk about dreamy!

Artificial Intelligence, Your New Sleep Buddy

Your sleep problems might need modern solutions. Thankfully, machine learning and AI provide futuristic answers today.

Nox Medical is a trailblazer in the sleep monitor market, thanks to its willingness to pair scientific data like brainwaves and deep sleep research with AI.

To provide wellness and better sleep for all, Nox Medical continues to develop machines that accurately measure data while you get your needed rest.

How does all that data help you?

Sleep monitors are designed to provide a picture of how you approach sleep, allowing for better decision-making regarding your bedtime habits and schedule.

Nox Medical aims to give more detailed and comprehensive sleep diagnostics with AI computing power. That allows the user to observe their sleep cycles and make changes.

Sleep Apnea vs. OSA Tech Startups

Sleep apnea is more than loud snoring. It’s a severe condition that requires consultations with your trusted health experts. 

That, or giving Belgian company Nxyoah a crack at your breathing problems. 

Using neurostimulation therapeutic technology in the form of “Genio”, Nxyoah aims to relieve OSA sufferers. 

Genio is a unique answer to OSA. Using a minimally invasive procedure and a patented invention, Genio counters the effects of OSA without having the user wear any obtrusive face or headgear.

You don’t have to suffer from sleep apnea to appreciate Genio’s appeal. Check out Noah’s creation when you can. 

Smart Beds, Are They Worth the Hype?

Yes, if we’re asking Bryte.

What even are smart beds? Like smartphones, these beds incorporate the latest in technology with industry-accepted standards. However, Bryte’s beds lean heavily on the tech side.

Like Nox Medical, Bryte utilises AI-powered tech to compliment your body’s temperature and guides you beautifully through various sleep stages. 

Does it have any drawbacks?

For one, the cost is nothing to sleep on. One queen-sized bed will cost you at least $7,600, and that’s Bryte’s cheapest offering.

So What’s Next?

These five companies all have the chance to make notable improvements on sleep tech soon, but they aren’t the only ones you might want to watch.

Moshi’s app offers captivating stories for your kids to help them sleep. Beddit, a Finish company acquired by Apple in 2017, markets wearables that seamlessly partner with your phone to monitor your sleep patterns and habits.

Inventions and updates are inevitable when talking about gadgets and tech but are those necessary to revolutionise sleep?

Old-school’s Not so Old

Does this tech-inspired movement spell the end for conventional sleep essentials?

We don’t think so. At the core of all these trends and products, they are sleep aids designed to get you dozing off faster and simpler. They won’t kill off mattresses and pillows any time soon.

For instance, Bryte carries AI-controlled beds, but that’s too fancy for some people. Although AI-free, the Ecosa Pure Mattress offers the same luxurious feel while keeping your sleep all-natural.

That’s not throwing shade to sleep tech, only a reminder that while these companies are making exciting developments possible, there’s nothing wrong with sticking with the proven basics.

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