Product Guides

How To Wash And Care For Your Bamboo Sheets

May 8, 2023   By Ecosa Dream Writers

So you’ve recently got a set of bamboo sheets, or maybe you’re planning to get one – one thing’s for sure, you’re making a great decision!

Bamboo sheets and bedding have risen in popularity over the past few years, and it’s no surprise since bamboo fabric feels softer to the touch than cotton sheets.

Likewise, bamboo bedding is fantastic for those who suffer from allergies; bamboo sheets are naturally hypoallergenic and have inherent antibacterial properties.

You might be confused about whether there’s a specific way to wash bamboo sheets or if it’s just like any bedding. 

In this article we will go over the ways to wash your bamboo sheets and the simple things you can do to prolong its lifespan.

What to Do with New Bamboo Sheets

A noticeable thing about new bamboo fabric is the rather stiff feeling of the material; bamboo fibres are that way before an initial wash.

Don’t worry, though, a proper initial wash will break-in those new sheets, and you can begin enjoying a good night’s sleep with your new bamboo bedding.

The Right Wash Setting for Bamboo Bedding

One of the most important notes when washing your bamboo sheets is to avoid using warm water as this can result in bamboo pilling.

The use of cold water with mild detergents at a temperature setting of 30C on a gentle cycle is the most appropriate for your sheets. 

Following these care instructions ensure that your bamboo sheets retain its softness, and its silky feeling will remain for a long time.

Some owners prefer washing bamboo sheets by hand, despite it being a gentle way of preserving your sheets, a washing machine’s delicate setting should be able to suffice.

Picking the Right Cleaning Solutions


As mentioned earlier, using mild detergents to wash your sheets are preferred. When picking your laundry detergent, go for liquid ones that do not contain harsh chemicals in them

Should you prefer using powdered detergents, dissolve the powders first in cold water to avoid abrasion in your bamboo fabrics.

Fabric Softeners

Some fabric softeners contain chemicals that can cause damage to your bamboo sheets; although you can use gentle ones, they are not necessary.

Bamboo sheets on their own are already soft and smooth, and it will maintain that way even after a wash.


DO NOT BLEACH YOUR BAMBOO SHEETS. We can’t stress that enough.

Using bleach or chlorinated and highly acidic solutions will quickly damage your bamboo sheets. Bamboo fabric is delicate, and bleach causes a harsh effect on its fibres.

How to Properly Dry Bamboo Sheets

Bamboo sheets aren’t as particular when it comes to the drying process, whether you prefer air drying or to tumble dry. Either option won’t ruin your sheets. (assuming you do it properly)

Air Drying

One of the best ways to dry your bamboo sheets after a wash is to line dry them outdoors. Hanging them out in the morning is usually the best time to dry your sheets as they may take a bit longer to dry fully.

There’s nothing wrong with leaving them outside for extended hours, but direct sunlight should generally be avoided as this may damage the fibres of your sheets.

Machine Drying

When using a machine, ensure that your dryer is set at a low heat and on a low tumble dry setting. Similar to it being exposed to direct sunlight, a high heat setting can cause the sheets to lose their softness from the breakdown of fibres which can lead to ripping. 

Do Bamboo Sheets Need Ironing?

Wrinkle-free bedding is lovely to see, and we wouldn’t be surprised if you chose to iron your bamboo sheets and pillowcases.

There’s no harm in ironing bamboo fabric as long as you keep your iron at a low steam setting.

Managing Stains on Your Bamboo Bedding

All bedding gets stained now and then; whether they’re bloodstains, body fluids, spilled drinks – these can all leave a mark on your linens.

You can pre-soak your beddings in cool water to flush out stains that haven’t set on the fabric yet. If there’s a bloodstain, you may use a three per cent hydrogen peroxide solution on the areas that are affected.

Storing Your Bamboo Sheets

Due to the bamboo fibres being naturally absorbent, moisture can be an issue when storing your sheets.

Having your bamboo linen in a humid environment can cause it to develop mildews and yellowing of the material.

It’s best to keep your sheets in a cool, dry area; preferably stored in a breathable bag.

Final Thoughts

Taking good care of bamboo sheets is not difficult at all, it may be different from what you’re used to, but following the care instructions will make sure that they last you a long time.

Check out Ecosa’s 100% Organic Bamboo Fitted Sheets, they’re eco-friendly and ships nationwide for free!

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May 8, 2023   By Ecosa Dream Writers