Product Guides

Cleaning Your Memory Foam Mattress (It’s Really Easy!)

May 3, 2023   By Danielle Herrera

Sleeping on memory foam is like a warm hug at night – although it might unknowingly be a hug from dirt and bacteria on the mattress. Gross.

Not-so-fun-fact: we shed 30,000-40,000 dead skin cells per minute and sleep for an average of 8 hours a day. Do the maths, and it’ll tell you just how dirty your mattress and bed sheets have become.

So, it comes down to this: cleaning memory foam isn’t optional. There are no excuses. It’s easier than you think – we swear.

How to Clean a Memory Foam Mattress WITHOUT Stains

Congratulations if your mattress doesn’t appear to have any VISIBLE stains! But microscopically, we can agree it isn’t 100% clean. So, make a habit of cleaning your mattress every six months. If you or someone at home has any health issues, we recommend mattress cleaning at the end of every season. Throw in your sheets and pillowcases for good measure.

All you need to do is remove the machine-washable mattress cover and let the washing machine do its job. Now get a regular vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment or even a handheld vacuum to suck all the lint, dust mites and allergens on your mattress. We also recommend letting it breathe on a clean outdoor space like your patio.

The Ecosa Mattress is a memory foam mattress with a removable cover, making it easy for you during cleaning. It has a 15-year warranty and comes with a 100-night trial. There are takebacks with this mattress!

How to Clean a Memory Foam Mattress WITH Tough Stains/Odour

If you did get some stains on your bed, it’s not the end of the world. There are multiple ways of cleaning your memory foam mattress!

  1. As above, if your mattress foam has a removable cover, remove it and machine-wash it. Leave to air dry.
  2. Vacuum the entire mattress surface. Remember to go through the sides as well.
  3. Spot-clean the stained area. Dab spots with a damp cloth or with a soft brush (never paper towels) and mild detergent (e.g., dishwashing liquid). Mix the cleaning solution together until foamy – please use as little water as possible to avoid seepage through the mattress. This can create a site for moulds and mildew to grow on (EEP!).
  4. Stay clear of any harsh chemicals like bleach, ammonia, and most commercial fabric cleaners to avoid permanent damage. Use natural or milder cleaners instead, such as lemon juice, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and others.
  5. Work your way from outside the stain towards the centre in a circular motion. In the instance the stubborn stains are still visible, try to add a little laundry detergent and use a new clean cloth, following the same circular motion done prior.
  6. If a bad odour is present from urine or sweat, vinegar solutions could do wonders to remove it. Fill in a spray bottle with a mixture of ¾ cup water and 1/4 cup white vinegar. Another natural mixture for deep cleaning would be vinegar and baking soda. However, working with baking soda alone dry is pretty effective as well.
  7. Spray on the smelly area and scrub in a circular motion.

The Drying Process of a Mattress

Place your mattress in direct sunlight to dry it. Doing so will increase the chances of disinfecting your mattress, as Ultra Violet (UV) exposure from the sun is known to kill dust mites and bacteria.

If gloomy days are taking over, you can sprinkle baking powder on damp areas instead and let it absorb the excess water. Expect it to clump up after 30 minutes before you vacuum it. Not only will this dry the mattress, but this also removes all foul odour from it.

For best results, allow it to still thoroughly air-dry before putting back all bedding.

Keep Your Memory Foam Mattress Clean

To avoid a complicated cleaning process, protect your mattress at all costs! Don’t let the dirt build up. Don’t let the stains stay on for too long, either. You can buy a waterproof mattress protector or invest in a mattress with a waterproof inner cover.

Now that you know how to clean your mattress in different scenarios, it’s time to clean up and bring it back to its glory days and even lengthen its lifespan! Then off to dreamland, you go! You’ll have better sleep knowing that you have a clean bed.

Check it out: King Size Mattresses, Queen Size Mattresses

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